PRO III Induction Loop Assistive Listening System -- Spec Sheet 
Click here to learn how induction loop
assistive listening systems work.
The Superloop PRO III system contains the following components:
- One Superloop PRO III loop amplifier
- One 500 foot spool of 14 gauge loop wire.
- One Induction Loop Receiver
headphones & LED signal display
- One wall mountable sign
- Instructions
The Superloop
PRO III is a stand-alone induction loop assistive listening system
with a built in 8 channel mixer and one-third octave graphic
This system is most often used in large conference rooms and other
where there is no sound system and a stand alone induction loop system
is required. The Superloop PRO III also interfaces easily with
sound systems and is compatible with all telecoil-equipped hearing
cochlear implants and induction loop receivers. (Click
on photo to view enlarged image.)
The Superloop PRO III amplifier is designed to be free
standing or rack
mounted using an optional 3 space rack mount. At least 1 rack
above the amplifier must be provided to permit adequate air
The Superloop PRO III may be interfaced with up to six
microphones and
two audio line level signals from external audio equipment such as
decks, VCRs, televisions, TV cable systems and sound system
The area to be looped with the Superloop PRO III should not
exceed 300-325
feet in perimeter. The loop wire must fully encompass the listening
area. Satellite III systems may be
used to
cover larger areas by linking them
to the Superloop PRO III amplifier’s line output.
loop system includes a 500 foot spool of 14 gauge single conductor
wire (black or white color may be specified). The
actual perimeter of the area to be looped should not exceed
325 feet per loop system
unless a dual amplifier bridged system is
The total
14 gauge run of a
single loop amplifier wire + lead in should be at least 300
feet so as to present the proper minimum load to the amplifier. If longer lead in wire is needed (exceeding
what is available on the 500 foot spool), it should be 10 gauge in
order to
minimize signal losses.
When looping
smaller areas, multiple series loop
runs must be installed, for example, two turns around a 150 foot
area. A two turn series loop will result
in a 3 dB boost in the signal strength. Please
note: Installing a “two turn series
loop” means running the loop wire once around, and then continuing
around the
perimeter one more time. Alternatively,
please request information on changing the loop wire gauge.
Superloop PRO III Technical
- Five (inputs 1-5) balanced 600 Ohm XLR low impedance
microphone inputs
w/ 12-15V phantom power
- One (input 6) balanced 600 Ohm XLR low impedance microphone
phantom power
- One screw terminal 600 Ohm balanced line input, 250-500mv
- Two unbalanced paralleled phono jack line level inputs,
10-100k Ohms
- One unbalanced phono jack line level input, 10-100k Ohms
- One unbalanced phono jack line output, 10k Ohms impedance,
- Two screw terminal loop wire outputs, 1 and 8 Ohms (1 Ohm
for supplied
- One push-terminal 1 Ohm loop wire output for temporary
(e.g. portable)
- Amplifier: 11.5 amps output @ 1 kHz into 1 Ohm load
Filters & Graphic Equalizer:
- LOW FILTER: -2 dB @ 100 Hz, -5 dB @ 50 Hz
- HI FILTER: -2 dB @ 5 kHz, -5 dB @ 10 kHz
- SPEECH FILTERS: -6 dB @ 100 Hz
- GRAPHIC EQUALIZER: +/- 12 dB @ 80, 125, 200, 315,
500, 800,
2k, 3.15k, 5 kHz
Controls & Visual Signal Indicators:
- Microphone, line input & master gain volume controls
- Adjustable 1/3 octave equalization
- Adjustable non-distorting peak limiter
- High & low pass speech & equalization filter
- VU meter
- Peak power & overload LED indicator
Field Strength:
Minimum 100 milliamperes/meter as measured 39” above the center of
a 300 foot circumference 14 gauge loop wire as per IEC 118-4
Frequency Response:
Equalized response of loop system is in accordance with IEC 118-4
response specification: 100 Hz – 5 kHz +/- 3dB
Loop Wire:
500’ of high quality 14 gauge (3/32” O.D.) single conductor stranded
wire is provided to allow for connection to actual loop that should not
exceed 300-325 foot perimeter. Specify your preference for black or
white wire. Larger areas may be covered by
connecting Satellite III systems to the
Superloop PRO III.
Power In:
115-120V AC, 2 amps/230 Watts (220-240V versions available for export)
Amplifier Dimensions & Weight:
19”W x 5 1/4”H x 8”D (optional 3 space rack mount kit is available),
22 pounds
Important Superloop PRO III
installation conditions
and recommendations:
· Using the Induction Loop Receiver
with the system, a pre-installation listening check and measurement
be performed in the areas where loop systems will be installed to
that there are no sources of strong electromagnetic fields that can
with the system. While holding the receiver in an upright
position, its LED should not
be illuminated by ambient noise. Please
contact Oval Window Audio
for more information concerning the measurement and mitigation of
· The loop wire may be installed in crawl spaces, under
in plastic conduit or clips on the wall, on/above ceiling, or simply
taped down for temporary use.
· The loop wire may be installed in existing concrete
by cutting a 1/8” W x >¼” D groove in the floor, placing the
wire in the groove and filling in the space with epoxy sealer.
· The loop wire may be installed in a newly poured
concrete floor
by running the wire through ½-1” PVC conduit. The PVC
should be placed in the floor so that it is at least 12” above metal
bars and within 12” of the flooring surface. The conduit should
tied to wooden support struts before concrete is poured.
scaffolding may be used to hold the PVC conduit in place while the
is poured.
· In order to maintain proper signal strength and
signal uniformity,
the loop perimeter in each listening area should not exceed 300-325
The extra wire provided with the systems may be used as loop lead-in
to connect to the loop amplifier. If longer lead-in wire is
10 gauge wire is recommended in order to minimize power losses.
· Satellite III systems
may be used
to cover larger areas by linking them to the Superloop PRO III
LINE OUTPUT. As with stereo/multiple loudspeakers, multiple loop
systems must be checked for proper phasing so that the loop signals are
working to support each other. Correct phasing will generally
if all loop wires are installed and connected to the loop amplifiers’
terminals in the same orientation. For example, all loop wires
start at “C/-“ terminal and be installed in a clockwise direction
the seating areas. Phasing of multiple loop systems should be
by walking from one looped area to another while monitoring the
If the loops are out of phase, there will be a noticeable signal loss
the areas where the loop wires meet. The remedy is to reverse the
phasing of one of the loop amplifier outputs.
· Larger areas up to 500 feet in perimeter may also be
serviced by bridging the Superloop PRO III with a Satellite III amplifier. Click here for
details on the Satellite III's bridging feature.
· Satellite III systems that are linked with Superloop
amplifiers will be fed an equalized signal. For this reason, it
important to listen to and/or measure the individual loop signals and
adjustments to the Satellite III equalizer as needed. The
III EQUALIZATION control is factory set to maximum, fully
· Due to “dead spots” that occur directly above and
below the
loop wire, the sides of the installed loop wire should not be situated
directly above or directly below seating within the listening area. The
sides of multiple loop wires must meet in areas where there is no
such as aisles.
· The loop wire must not be run in continuous contact
with metal,
either directly above or below the loop wire. Loop wires may
ceiling framework and may briefly run behind metal furniture. At
least 70% of the total loop must be free of metal obstructions.
· At least 70% of the loop should be installed in the
· The loop wire must completely encompass the listening
· Avoid running loop wire in close proximity and
parallel to
telephone lines, microphone cords and video feeds. Maintain a
of at least 12”.
· The height of ceiling loop wires must not exceed
10-12 feet
above the floor of the listening area.
· Floor level loop wires must not exceed 3-4 feet below
the floor.
· Conventional loops transmit signals that spill
outside the
looped listening areas. At least twice the length of the longest
side of the loop must be allowed between looped areas on the same
In regard to loop systems on different floor levels, the systems should
be separated by at least one half the length of the longest side of the
loop wire.
· The use of dynamic microphones or musical
instruments with
magnetic pickups can result in equipment damaging feedback. To avoid
this, use condenser microphones and/or keep dynamic microphones &
musical instrument pickups at least 10 feet from the loop wire.
· Using the Induction Loop
always begin system set ups with all inputs and output controls at
MINIMUM settings, slowly increasing levels until proper signal is
attained in the center of the loop. Correct signal strength will light
up the Induction Loop Receiver's LED when the receiver is help upright
in center of the looped area.
· Please contact us
regarding special techniques that may be used to reduce signal spill
All Oval Window Audio products are sold on a 30-day
satisfaction guaranteed
basis and with a 3-year warranty covering parts and labor.
to this warranty include microphones, rechargeable batteries and
which are guaranteed for 90 days. Warranty will be voided for
that has been abused, altered or operated in a manner contrary to
contained in the user manual. A return authorization must be
for all equipment returns and servicing.

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right here online. However, if you have any questions, simply e-mail us
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